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April 8, 2007

Do You Know A Tire Kicker In The MLM Business

By Brenda Bunney

People are called “tire kickers” if they are just looking around, but not ready to purchase yet. They are talking to distributors, reviewing company literature, trying product, but aren’t seriously thinking of joining an MLM organization on any level or make any real commitment to the products. They may be ready one day, or they may never WANT your product or business opportunity.

Be their friend, help them where you can and continue to search to for the person ready to be the warrior now. Look for your network marketing opportunity prospect to make a true commitment to the product or the business effort. Some people just like to talk about their dreams, but will NEVER do anything about them. Look for evidence of lasting commitment in the MLM business opportunity:

1) Are they putting forth effort?

2) Are they doing the little things they need to do to reach the goal?

3) Do they act in a timely manner or do they have excuses?

MLM Business Tips:

1) Listen to what is going on around you. If someone is talking about needing a second income, losing weight, wanting to own their own business, take note and create an opportunity to talk to them.

2) Approach your prospects with the proper attitude. Talk to them from the perspective of their needs and realize you may not have the business or product for them.

3) Ask people you consider a prospect if they know of anyone who might be interested in your product or service. If they know anyone, including themselves, they will tell you.

MLM Business- Target Your Efforts to True Prospects:

1) Look for the person who feels the same way you do about weight loss, making more money, travel, or whatever it is you have to offer. The prospect is not a true prospect if he/she is happy where they are in life.

2) Be a caring, concerned individual there to help others. No one wants to feel as if they are being sold”.

3) Try not to take a no personally. It is nothing personal. We make brand and product choices daily at mass merchants, rejecting one item for another. Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines will not take offense; they each have their niche MLM business markets.

I knew someone who fit the medical definition of obese and really wanted to help them become healthier. They very politely told me they really felt pretty good and weren’t interested in what I was offering at this time. I was shocked because I wasn't obese. I was thrilled with the products, how much weight I lost, and how much better I felt

I later realized my prospect had other reasons for their perspective on my product. It could have been any number of reasons, but ultimately they weren’t my target market. My target market was the skinny chick I never thought to ask. She asked me!

Look for the person who wants your product or service, not necessarily the person who needs it. It can be tricky but fun figuring it all out in your MLM business.

Brenda Bunney is married with two children. She is a successful network marketer who believes anyone can be successful with the proper tools and mentoring. She enjoys helping others empower themselves with the network marketing skills they need to build a successful business.

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