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March 9, 2007

What Is Your Why?

It has been said by many industry leaders over and over again to succeed in your home base business you need to have a big “WHY”. Your reason why you want to work from home is very important. If your reason why doesn’t make you cry, it is not big enough. If you do not have a big why, you probably do not have what it takes to stick and stay with your home base business. As soon as business gets stuff, you will probably quit if your reason why is not big enough. It will be too easy for you to give up because you do npt have a big why to go through the hard times. Believe me. There will be hard times. All businesses have them so will your home base business.

So lets talk about some reasons why you may want to work from home. You may want to be a stay at home mom so your children don’t have to go to daycare or to someone elses home while you are working. Most new moms would love to be a stay at home mom for this reason. They hate to think about leaving their new baby with someone else to care for them so they could go back to work. You may want to be a stay at home mom so you can home school your children, or just be there to raise them and be there whenever they need you.

You may want to quit your job or fire your boss. There are a lot of reasons you may want to quit your job. Maybe you hate your boss, hate your job or both. Maybe you are tired of the traffic and drive time to and from work, or maybe you want to retire early so you can start traveling more. Maybe you just can not see yourself working a job until you are what they call retirement age. Who said you have to be 65 or older to retire? Retirement has nothing to do with age. It has to do with money. If you work a home base business, you could make much more money than any job could ever pay you. The income is unlimited!

Another reason you may want to work from home is to spend more time with your family members. You may need to take care of an elderly parent, sick spouse or child. Working from home could give you the opportunity to work on your own schedule so you could do these things while working. Whatever your reason why you want to work from home may be is it big enough that it makes you cry? I mean real tears!

Before or immediately after you start your home base business, sit down and write out the reasons why you want to work from home. Make a list of all the advantages you would personally have by working from home and prioritize your list. Write until it makes you cry. When you’re done with your list, post it somewhere so you can see it and read it often, like on your refrigerator, or a wall, or on your bedroom or bathroom mirror. If you look at your reasons why often, it will help you go through the hard times with your home base business and help you stay focus on succeeding with your home base business. Know your why.

About the Author:
Sheila enjoys working part-time from home. She also enjoys sponsoring and mentoring others, and helping them find success with their work from home base business. Click here to contact Sheila and learn how you can start a work at home-base business with Pre-Paid Legal Services.

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