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March 17, 2007

Free Work At Home Opportunities May Come With Costs

Regardless of what the advertisements may promise, finding free work at home projects may be next to impossible in many lines of work. While many companies advertise free work from home opportunities, their definition of free may not be the same as yours.

A majority of free work at home opportunities are nothing more than franchise opportunities, in which you put your name on their page and promote it. In a lot of ways, this makes sense. The company has spent a lot of money and a lot of time developing their web site, along with the replication software enabling you to have the same website with your name on it. They have also spent a lot of time and money developing the service or product mix for sale on that site.

Like any traditional franchise, a new entry in the field can take advantage of the name recognition, products and reputation of the existing company. The existing company is selling the exclusive use of their name and products, in hopes that more customers will be the result.

The main trouble with internet businesses is that customers come from all over the world and if there are 1,000 people with 1,000 websites all exactly alike, getting people to visit your site so that you get credit for sale is where cost may enter the equation. Sure, you can set up a free blog site and talk about nothing but the products on your site, using your unique URL to draw people in. You may actually get one or two people reading your blog. Maybe they will visit the site. This is free.

If you ask any person who has achieved the slightest bit of success in business, internet or traditional, they will tell you that advertising or marketing is required to get people to your website or into your business. Without it, the only people who will know about your online business are you and your service provider, and they won’t care as long as you pay your fees.

In order to boost your page’s ranking, you may have to spend some quality time and money to make your site more attractive to internet search engines. In business, time is money, so your free work at home opportunity is getting more expensive as you go along.

Additionally, many of the companies offering free websites, amazingly also can recommend a marketing company to help you get your site noticed. That will not be free, but the returns from increased sales may pay for the advertising. Of course, the company, whose free website you promote, is going to be an affiliate of the marketing company and will receive a percentage of your outlay for the advertising. While there may not be anything illegal or even unethical about these arrangements, you should be aware of what you are getting into before you spend the first dime.

About the Author:
Sheila enjoys working part-time from home. She also enjoys sponsoring and mentoring others, and helping them find success with their work from home base business. Click here to contact Sheila and learn how you can start a work at home-base business with Pre-Paid Legal Services.

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