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February 26, 2007

Do You Know The Secret

I finally watched The Secret (Extended Edition) on New Years Day of this year. I had heard about the movie for a couple of years but never watched it until now. I am so glad I did. That was the best thing I could have done for myself on New Years Day. I must say life will never be the same. I always felt like there was something missing, something not clear about life on this planet, something not being told to the masses and if told, it would change everything. The Secret confirmed there was something.

I watched the movie over and over again for weeks. Right away I started applying the Secret to my life. Shortly after applying the Secret I found myself in a mink coat that I only dreamed about having. I always went in this coat store and tried on fur coats just for the fun of it. It was just for fun because I THOUGHT I could not afford to buy one but to my surprise on this particular day the salesman gave me a price I could not refuse nor ignore. My THOUGHT changed real quick and I now own a mink coat. I felt like God wanted me to have that coat and if I didn't buy it then, I would be telling Him I really didn't want it when I asked for it. He made it possible for me to have it right then and I got it.

I've learned that I must stop thinking I cannot afford to buy things that may seem costly or out of my budget at the time. I know by thinking, seeing, and feeling myself in a mink coat when I was trying them on over and over again for fun, it soon came to being mines. The money I paid for the coat was not missed at all. The bills were still paid. I asked for the coat in my mind, I saw myself in it, I believed it was mines and I got it. Thank you! I applied the Secret and didn't even realize it until after I got the mink coat home and tried it on looking at myself in my own mirror.

Not only did I get a mink coat in January after watching the Secret movie on New Years Day but without going into details during the month of January, I unexpectedly got a new furnace in my home which was needed and at one time I thought I could not afford it, my daughter not only got a new car that she needed but the one she said she always wanted. We both saw her in this car before we found it at the dealership. I know this is just the beginning of achieving the things we want in life by changing our thinking.

I am so grateful know that I know The Secret!

About the Author:
Sheila enjoys working part-time from home, and she also enjoys sponsoring and mentoring others, and helping them find success with their home-base business. Click here to learn more about Pre-Paid Legal Services.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I saw the secret for the first time a few days ago, it's unbelievable, I've been following the principles and it's already working! It's amazing, and I too, am also grateful for the secret. Congratulations on your mink coat! Wow, that's great!