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November 27, 2007

PPLSI - Provider Law Firm Success Stories: The Power of A Letter

Please note, the information provided in this email contains information regarding specific legal situations. Results that the Provider Law Firm are able to obtain for members will be based
on the specific facts of their case and the law that applies to them. Results may differ for other members.

The Pre-Paid Legal membership helps people. We see it everyday. Read below to see how having and using the PPL membership made a difference in our members' lives.

A creditor was dunning our elderly member for a service she had cancelled. A letter from the Provider disputing the charges was successful, eliciting the following response from the creditor:
"Thank you for helping us solve the problem on [the] account. We have fixed the mistake, and [the] account now has a zero balance. We are sorry if we caused you any trouble."

In another matter, our member was contacted by a telemarketer and offered a magazine subscription on a trial basis. The member attempted to cancel the subscription during the trial period, but the company had made it impossible to cancel according to the instructions provided.
The member’s bank account was being charged a monthly fee. A letter from the Provider to the telemarketer resulted in the cancellation of the service and a refund of all fees charged by the company.

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