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September 19, 2007

How To Help Your New Associate Start Their Home Based Business

Do you remember when you started working your first job? You probably went to work on the first day not having a clue what you were going to do, and you ended up in a classroom for orientation or training for the entire day. You probably spent a few days following around someone who was experienced at your new job and was responsible for training you.

Well when you start a new associate or rep with your company, you should pretty much take your new associate through a similar process. The best thing you can do is take them through want is called OJT (On the Job Training). This has always been and still is the best way to learn any new job. Although this is a business, it's your job to train your new associate until they can fly on their own.

Teach your new associate what you do to build your business. Meaning you should have them follow you around for a while. Take them with you when you go prospecting. This may be when you are out and about shopping at the mall, or out for coffee. You should have them on the phone when you call prospects to setup an appointment or for a follow-up appointment, and have them go on an appointment with you to give a presentation. The next best thing you should do right away is to have them actually schedule an appointment with someone they personally know and can practice their presentation on. You should definitely help them setup the appointment and give the presentation the first couple of times but after that, they should have the hang of it. Once they have the hang of it, they should be able to teach their new associates what you taught them. That's duplication!

Treat your new associates like new hires, although, they are working for themselves. Let them know they are in business for themselves but they are not by themselves. Know when to direct them to the corporate office instead of you for problems or questions. You want to continue to build a business relationship with your new associate but you do not what to take the role of being their boss.

To your success!

If there was just one thing I wish I'd learned when I first got started in network marketing it would have been this: I didn't need to chase down anyone to get them to join my business. After doing the whole "names list/3 foot rule" thing, I finally discovered how to have people come to me! Click here to find out how you can too: The 7Great Lies of Network Marketing

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