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May 23, 2007

How To Start Your Own Dog Care Home Business

Do you love dogs? If you happen to love dogs, you might want to start a dog care home business. A lot of dog owners don’t have time to groom or walk their dogs and they will often rely on pet care businesses to do the job for them. Considering the number of dog owners in the country today, you will not really run-out of clients who will ask to groom and walk their dogs.

Setting up a dog bath

The first thing that you will need is a place where you can bath and groom dogs. If you live in a house with a big lawn, you may want to set up a place where you can bath dogs. Never attempt to bath dogs, especially the big once inside your house. Dogs love to wiggle around and shake their hair during baths thus creating a huge mess. Playful and rowdy big dogs are adorable but when they start running around your house in their wet coats, things will not really look very funny at all so keep them out of the house. There is no point of wasting a lot of energy cleaning after a wet dog.

When setting up a dog bath, a tub or a huge basin, a garden hose, some dog soap, shampoo, a brush and some cotton towels. You don’t really need something elaborate when bathing dogs. Certainly not those pet washers that torture the poor things. Some experts believe that using pet washers where you simply put the dog inside a box and turn on the water cause emotional trauma on the dogs and should not be used at all. Well, who wouldn’t be traumatized if they were put inside a closed box with water gushing all over the place? If you want to bath dogs, forget about the pet washer and do things the old fashioned way. Dogs love it when you brush their coat and massage them. Besides, bathing a dog the old fashioned way could be a lot of fun for you too.

Setting up a grooming area

For grooming dogs, select a quite area inside the house. Of course you can set-up a grooming area outside of the house if you want to but grooming a dog inside the house is lot better. First, most dogs are less playful when they are inside the house than when they are in the yard, second, there are less distractions inside the house and third, it would be easier on your part to store all your grooming stuff. For grooming dogs, you will need the following materials; a table, towels, cotton, mineral oil, eye ointment, nails clippers and a brush. You can easily get all these stuff at your favorite pet shop.

About the Author:
Sheila enjoys working part-time from home. She also enjoys sponsoring and mentoring others, and helping them find success with their work from home base business. Click here to contact Sheila and learn how you can start a work at home-base business.
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