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February 20, 2007

Benefiting the Company: Telecommuting

Copyright © Sheila Nelson

When discussing the many benefits of telecommuting, it is almost always a foregone conclusion that it is the employee who benefits from this new mode of doing business. The highlighted points usually involve the employee’s ability to no longer have to waste valuable time being stuck in rush hour traffic, and also the fringe benefit of being home when children are coming home from school. While this is undeniably true, some of the benefits that are associated with telecommuting do not just have to do with the employee, but also the employer. Such benefits include the ability make do with less office space, and to put the employee into a mutually ownership position of her or his work, so that customers and clients will receive a greater level of service.

Yet very often the many benefits available to the company at large are overlooked. While the employer itself may only be one dot on the map for a large company, the overall benefits that will befall the company that makes telecommuting a company-wide opportunity for qualified employees cannot be overlooked. When one small satellite office of the company succeeds, it is always a good time to see what works there that might work in other markets as well. Productivity is almost always the first litmus test that must be met for a satellite office to be considered successful, while fiscal savings rank as a close second.

A company will benefit undisputedly from telecommuting workers on a number of levels. First and foremost is the fact that employees no longer feel chained to their desks by an eight to five schedule. Sure, a worker may take a longer lunch, stop by the neighbor’s fence to chat for a bit, and perhaps even mow the yard during regular working hours, but on the upside this same worker is much more likely to remain at his or her computer and continue working until a project is finished than will be the worker who still has to fight traffic on the way home. Similarly, the telecommuting worker is much more likely to pick up the work again after family obligations have been met in the evening than it is likely for the office worker to once again get into the car and return to the office to complete a certain project.

Another savings opportunity presents itself when you consider the reduced employee turnover your company will experience. After all, telecommuting jobs are hard to come by and it is not surprising that these employees will work harder to ensure that the company will be satisfied with their performance to ensure that their position itself is safe. All in all, telecommuting is truly a win-win situation for the employer, employee, and the parent company.

About the Author:
Sheila enjoys working part-time from home, and she also enjoys sponsoring and mentoring others, and helping them achieve success with their home-base business. Click here to learn how you can start your work at home business with Pre-Paid Legal Services.

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