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January 12, 2007

Will You Be One Of The Ten Million New Millionaires?

Author: Bruce Seah

Will you be one of the ten million new millionaires? Paul Zane Pilzer in his book, The Next Millionaires, has made this prediction, "We are witnessing a millionaire explosion over the next ten years that will create ten million new millionaires in U.S. alone!"

What is the best product that you can sell millions and millions again and again at very little cost or no cost at all! It is digital products that people can download at a click of a mouse! Now you can leverage on multi-million dollars of support and tap into a world market for very little costs!

If you want to be one the next ten million new millionaires, read carefully this article and take action to make your first million on the internet. How long you take is up to you and the best part is you can do it in the comfort of your home.

How much does it cost to start an online business? As low as $10 a month! Can you afford to start a global online business for $10? The Internet has taken away the major excuses of not owning a business, the start up cost and the monthly operating cost.

Paul Zane Pilzer also wrote the bestseller "God Wants You To Be Rich" How and why everyone can enjoy material and spiritual wealth in our abundant world. I highly recommend you read this book to open your mind to the possibilities of making your millions!

Paul Zane Pilzer is the author of Other People's Money and Unlimited Wealth. He has served as an economic adviser in two presidential administrations, and as a commentator for CNN and National Public Radio. He made his first million when he was 26 years old and 10 million dollars when he reached 30.

You can put in commitment, time and effort to make your first million in 2 years or 10 years is very much possible with the powerful leverage handed to your by information technology. Now you can sell to a world market at a very low cost. You can leverage on the support of a network marketing company or sell your information products through the Internet!

To make your first million you got to work on your mind first! You are what you think, if you think you can make a million or not, you are right! What will be the difference between you and the next ten million millionaires? It is the thinking, first you got to think like a millionaire and start thinking of ways to provide better service and to add more value to people's lives.

Intellectual distribution and the explosive growth of the Internet will help many become millionaires! It will be a great opportunity for those who are willing to put in the time and effort. The next explosive trend is the direct-sales industry and the home-based business. I have been in the home-based business for 13 years and I can tell you that it is going to enjoy phenomenal growth with the shift in technology that makes it much easier to do business worldwide!

Enterprising professionals want their life back, they are tired of working hard and are constantly looking for ways to leverage and work smart! I love working at home and enjoying the stress-free lifestyle where I get to see my loved ones more often and save lots of precious time not travelling to and fro from an office!

To leverage on the trends and the technology available, be willing to change and start learning how to build an online business or start a home-based business today!

For more information on how you can be one of the next ten million millionaires, go to:

About the author:
Bruce Seah, Network Marketing Consultant, Infopreneur and Author. Get Bruce's free ebook on how you can make a million dollars, go to:

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